Teaching /

Lecture notes and archives

DCE529 - Heuristics and Metaheuristics (Heurísticas e Metaheurísticas, in Portuguese)

Universidade Federal de Alfenas - Department of Computer Science

2021/Fall, 2023/Spring

DCE529 - Introduction to Algorithms (Algoritmos e Estruturas de Dados 1, in Portuguese)

Universidade Federal de Alfenas - Department of Computer Science

2021/Fall, 2023/Spring

DCE529 - Data Structures Lab (Laboratório de Algoritmos e Estruturas de Dados 2, in Portuguese)

Universidade Federal de Alfenas - Department of Computer Science

2021/Fall, 2023/Spring

DCE529 - Project and Analysis of Algorithms (Algoritmos e Estruturas de Dados 3, in Portuguese)

Universidade Federal de Alfenas - Department of Computer Science

2021/Fall, 2023/Spring

DCE692 - Operations Research (Pesquisa Operacional, in Portuguese)

Universidade Federal de Alfenas - Department of Computer Science

2021/Fall, 2023/Spring

DCE540 - Parallel and Distributed Computing (Computação Paralela e Distribuída, in Portuguese)

Universidade Federal de Alfenas - Department of Computer Science

2021/Fall, 2021/Spring, 2022/Spring

MC202 - Data Structures (Estruturas de Dados, in Portuguese)

Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Institute of Computing
